Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Project

During the past thanksgiving holiday, I got a chance to understand that although I shared 19 and more years with my children, their stories are much different than mine.  I am thinking of extending this blog to include them and their perceptions, stories and experiences that I may have missed along the way because I was working, on the phone, at a workshop or simply not in a space that I could manage their perspective or my own.

I'd like to star out simple,  invite them to comment on a particular "event" that I remember happening in our lives but perhaps did not get their full perspective on it.  I am hoping that this activity will increase to include stories that can be weaved together to form the matrix of a life well lived, a childhood memory of love, humor, stress, beating or succumbing to the odds, and best of all an understanding of where we were and are as a family.  I am going to start out small.  Really small, because I don't even know how to invite them to comment on this blog or participate in this with me.

Can someone explain how I invite specific people to post here?  thanks for any and all help!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Starting a blog about life, perspectives, observations, interesting lessons learned, and anything else that strikes ones fancy.  My first perspective is about elections. I've noticed that there is only one good ting about elections, they are eventually over. My psyche simply cannot comprehend WHY these people brutally attack each other.  If this bullying happened in a classroom, a school bus, at a mall, in any public place the participants would be hauled away, civil suits would be pending and a severe reprimand would ensue, at least it would if the participant was a child.  I suppose my bend here is the hypocrisy of public figures displaying attitudes, speaking words, and demonstrating less than polite behavior; and HOW do we as citizens of this place let this happen?  Let me know, I'm puzzled.